Selection Tips For Air-Conditioning Cooling Systems

Selection Tips For Air-Conditioning Cooling Systems

A HVAC system may be defined as an assembly of components with a particular
structure and a defined function. There are literally dozen or hundred of ways in which
basic HVAC components may be assembled into systems. The most common air-cooling
systems are either direct expansion (DX) type or the chilled water type. Both these
systems result in dehumidification as a result of cooling.
Direct Expansion (DX) systems:
In DX systems, the air is cooled with refrigerant passing through the tubes of the finned
cooling coil. The Figure-1 below provides a conceptual view of a DX air-conditioning
In this figure, the heat is extracted from the space and expelled to the outdoors (left to
right) through 3 loops of heat transfer.
In the leftmost loop, a supply air fan drives the indoor air across the evaporator,
where it transfers its heat to the liquid refrigerant. The resultant cooled air is
thrown back to the indoor space. The liquid refrigerant is vaporized in the tubes of
the evaporator.
In the middle loop, a refrigeration compressor drives the vapor refrigerant from
evaporator to the condenser and back to the evaporator as a liquid refrigerant.
The cycle continues in a closed loop copper tubing.
In the rightmost loop, a condenser air fan drives the ambient air across the
condenser, where it transfers heat of refrigerant to the outdoors. The refrigerant is
cooled and liquefied after expanding it through an expansion valve located
between condenser and the evaporator.

Window air-conditioners, package units and split systems are typical examples of DX
systems. These comprise of a hermetic sealed compressor/s, evaporator (cooling coil
fabricated out of copper tubes and aluminum fins), a supply air fan, filter and a
condensing unit. DX systems are essentially the factory assembled self-contained units
and are also known as local systems.
The application and unit capacity ranges are as follows:
Room air conditioner (capacity range of 0.5 to 3 TR per unit, suitable for an area
of not more than 1000 square feet)
Packaged unit integral air-cooled condenser (capacity range of 3 to 50 TR,
suitable for a maximum an area of 1000 – 10000 square feet)
Split system with outdoor air-cooled condenser (capacity range of 0.5 to 50 TR,
suitable for an area of 100 – 10000 square feet)
(A ton of refrigeration (1TR) signifies the ability of an air-conditioning equipment to extract
heat @ 12000 Btu/hr)
Note: Each building is different and the design conditions differ greatly between regions to
region. On hotter & humid regions the cooling requirement may be as high as 150 sqft/TR
and in cooler places it could be as low as 500 sqft/TR. For comfort applications, it is
reasonable to assume a figure of 200 sqft/TR as a rule of thumb for a preliminary
estimation in absence of heat load calculations.
DX system operating in reverse vapor compression cycle is classified as Heat pump.
Through an addition of a special control valve, heat flow in mechanical refrigeration loop
can be reversed so that heat is extracted from outside air and rejected into the building.
Such a facility is required during winter season to heat the indoor using the same physical
components. Due to added heat of compression, the efficiency of heat pump is higher
compared to the cooling cycle.
Chilled Water Systems:
In chilled water system the air is cooled with chilled water passing through the tubes of a
finned coil (cooling coil). Chilled water systems are further categorized as air-cooled or
water cooled system depending on how the heat is rejected out of the system. The
Figure-2 below provides a conceptual view of chilled water air-conditioning system with
air-cooled condenser.
The figure below depicts that heat is extracted from the space and expelled to the
outdoors (left to right) through 4 loops of heat transfer. The chilled water is produced in
the evaporator of the refrigeration cycle and is pumped to a single or multiple air-handling
units containing cooling coils. The heat is rejected through an air-cooled condensing unit
in the rightmost loop.
The Figure-3 below provides a conceptual view of chilled water air-conditioning system
with water-cooled condenser.
Here the heat is extracted from the space and expelled to the outdoors (left to right)
through 5 loops of heat transfer. The chilled water is produced in the evaporator of the
refrigeration cycle and is passed through a single or multiple cooling coils. The heat is
rejected through a water-cooled condenser and the condenser water pump sends it to the
cooling tower. The cooling tower’s fan drives air across an open flow of hot condenser
water, transferring the heat to the outdoors.

The main equipment used in the chilled water system is a chiller package that includes
A refrigeration compressor (reciprocating, scroll, screw or centrifugal type),
Shell and tube heat exchanger (evaporator) for chilled water production
Shell and tube heat exchanger (condenser) for heat rejection in water cooled
Copper tube/Aluminum finned condenser coil and fan (condensing unit) for air
cooled configuration
An expansion valve between condenser and the evaporator
The middle refrigerant loop is connected through a copper piping forming a closed loop.
The water circuit on the chilled waterside is connected through an insulated carbon steel
pipe and is a closed loop. The condenser water connected through a carbon steel piping
is an open loop and requires 2 to 3 % make up water as a result of evaporation, drift and
blow down losses from the cooling tower.
The chilled water system is also called central air conditioning system. This is because
the chilled water system can be networked to have multiple cooling coils distributed
through out a large or distributed buildings with the refrigeration equipment (chiller)
placed at one base central location.
Chilled water systems are typically applied to the large and/or distributed areas. (Capacity
range of 20- 2000 TR, suitable for an area of 3000 square feet and above)
Now that we understand the conceptual arrangement of air-conditioning cooling systems,
the distinction between the local and central systems is critical from a mechanical,
architectural and energy management perspective. Lets analyze the key factors that
determine the selection of system.
DX system
Check out this statement “ DX system is suitable for a single thermal zone
application”. What does this mean? Why it is so?
To answer this, first understand the concept of thermal zone. A thermal zone is referred
to an area of a building that must be ‘separately controlled’ if conditions conducive to
comfort are to be provided by an HVAC system. Few examples below illustrate and clarify
the concept of a zone.
In a building, the areas with large glazing & exposure are prone to larger solar
radiation. Such areas shall experience higher heat load than the indoor spaces
and must be separately controlled.
In a commercial office building, a room containing electronic processing
equipment such as photocopiers, fax machines and printers see much larger heat
load than the other areas and hence is a different thermal zone.
A conference room designed for 50 people occupancy shall experience lower
temperatures when it is half or quarterly occupied. The design thus shall keep
provision for a dedicated temperature controller for this zone.
In an airport a smoking room shall be categorized as an independent zone for
health and safety reasons. A good air-conditioning system should not allow
mixing of smoke contaminants with return air of other public lounges.
A 1000 seat theatre shall be treated an independent zone than the entrance
concourse or cafeteria as the dynamics of occupancy are different.
A hotel lobby area is different from the guest rooms or the restaurant area.
A hospital testing laboratory demands different indoor conditions than the rest of
areas and thus shall be treated as a separate zone.
A control room or processing facilities in industrial set up may require a high
degree of positive pressure to prevent ingress of dust/hazardous elements and
thus may be treated as separate zone.
In nutshell any area that requires different temperature, humidity and filtration needs or is
prone to huge variations in thermal loads shall be categorized as an independent zone.
The reason that most modern offices interiors have low partitions is not to do only with
aesthetic and spacious looks; it has relevance to keep air-conditioning simple and
effective. Zoning is very much an architectural responsibility, as it requires an
understanding of building function and schedules.
Lets check out why DX systems are only suitable for single thermal zone application. The
reasoning is as follows:
1. The control of an HVAC system is critical to its successful operation. The capacity
control in DX system is most commonly accomplished by cycling the compressor
on and off in response to signal from a thermostat. Thus two rooms, with
thermostat controllers set at say 22 F and 28 F shall conflict with each other or in
other words the two rooms cannot achieve the set conditions unless the rooms
are served with independent units. Serving a single zone, the DX system will
have only one point of control – typically a thermostat. There are solutions to the
problem, such as placing a reheat or introducing variable volume but it works
against energy conservation and may have problems with the indoor air quality
perspective. The issue of system control leads to the concept of HVAC zoning
just like architectural zoning. Active HVAC system may be designed to condition
a single space or a portion of a space from a location within or directly adjacent to
the space.
2. DX systems cannot be networked conveniently. The refrigerant piping plays a key
role in connection of various components in terms of size, length and pressure
drop. Multiple evaporators in DX system are not recommended, as precise
refrigerant flow to the evaporators is difficult to achieve. Each DX system is thus
local self-contained unit consisting of its own compressor/s, evaporator coil, fan,
condensing unit and filtration unit. For large buildings consisting of multi-zones,
DX system may be viewed as collection of independent units placed at different
locations in a distributed network with each unit working in isolation.
Depending upon the capacities required and areas served the DX system could be
window air conditioners, split air-conditioners or package air conditioners. All these serve
a single thermal zone and have its major components located in one of the following
Within the zone
On the boundary between the zone and exterior environment
Or directly adjacent to the zone
Factors favoring DX system:
Available as factory standard units and offer low capital costs.
Offer short delivery schedules and generally available off the shelf.
Easy to install and replace.
All the controls are integral to the machine.
Compact and require a smaller footprint than alternatives. The condensing unit
could be mounted on the roof or located outside.
Cooling unit is available in wide variation of floor, wall as well the ceiling
suspended units.
Installation flexibility where space is limited.
Units come with energy efficiency star labels.
Other views favoring DX systems on a larger scale
DX systems tend to be distributed for a larger building that provide more
reliability; a building conditioned using local systems may have a dozen or
hundred of individual and independent units located through out the building.
Failure of one or two of the units may not impact the entire building. On a smaller
scale this may be viewed as a disadvantage unless standby is provided.
DX systems are not complicated by interconnections with other units.
Maintenance of local systems tends to be simple and available through numerous
service providers.
In buildings where a large number of spaces may be unoccupied at any given
time, such as dormitory, small hotels etc. the local DX systems may be totally
shut off in the unused spaces thus providing potential energy savings.
As a self contained system, a DX system may provide greater occupant comfort
through totally individualized control options, for instance if one room needs
heating while an adjacent one needs cooling, two local systems can respond
without conflict.
Limitations of DX system:
Local DX systems cannot benefit from economies of scale. Capital costs and the
operating costs tend to be higher for larger setups requiring approximately 100
TR or more.
DX systems cannot be easily connected together to permit centralized monitoring
or energy management operations. These can be centrally controlled with
respect to on-off functions only.
The coefficient of performance (COP) of a refrigeration system increases with
capacity. Since the localized DX units are smaller in size, the COP is low.
Lack of interconnection between units also means that loads cannot be shared
on a building wide basis. Central HVAC systems deliver improved efficiency and
lower first cost by sharing load capacity across an entire building.
Multiple DX systems using window or small capacity split units may spoil the
exterior elevations and aesthetics of the building.
For distributed DX systems, although the maintenance may be relatively simple,
such maintenance may have to occur directly in occupied building spaces.
DX systems may not be suitable for the applications requiring high air delivery
rates and the areas requiring significant positive pressurization unless the DX
systems are engineered. The standard package units generally provide 400 cfm
of air delivery capacity per ton of refrigeration.
DX systems are not suitable for areas requiring high degree of cleanliness unless
the systems are custom built. The standard units are generally available with fan
static pressure limits of 2 to 3 inch water gauge pressure that may not be
sufficient to cope up the resistance of special filtration needs.
DX systems installation many a times require plumbing arrangements with in the
conditioned area if the cooling unit is placed indoors. The design should take into
account the condensate removal required from the conditioned space and the
possibility of leakage.
DX window or small split-air conditioners are free air discharge units and are nonducted.
Multiple units shall be needed to optimize air distribution where the span
of building (length or width) exceeds 12 feet.
Smaller split units with cooling (evaporator) unit located indoors in conditioned
space are 100% re-circulation units.
A limitation of approximately ~120 ft for maximum separation between
compressor and cooling coil applies to all DX installations. Chilled water systems
are not constrained by any separation distance criteria between chiller and the
cooling coil.
Special requirements of surface coating may not be available on the condensing
equipment placed outdoors in harsh corrosive/saline environment. The
condensing unit will therefore have a shorter life span.
Multiple DX systems for large area applications shall require larger footprint of
mechanical room or quite a number of mechanical rooms.
The DX systems are suitable for small or medium sized buildings free of multiple
thermal zones and demanding 100TR or less of air-conditioning. For big areas
such as Wal-Mart store requiring say 200TR of refrigeration, DX system may be
viewed as 4 units of 50TR each subject to availability of space and aesthetics.
DX systems are more effective for the services requiring low temperature and low
humidity for sensitive areas. The application includes the grocery stores, fruit &
vegetable stores, meat processing units, instrument rooms, laboratories, biomedical
labs, critical manufacturing and process facilities.
DX systems (window, split or package/unitary units) can be applied for
augmenting the HVAC needs in the existing central HVAC systems necessitated
due to expansion or addition of more equipment.
DX systems can be applied along with central chilled water system for areas
requiring 24hrs operation such as server rooms, data centers etc.
Chilled water systems can be categorized truly as the central air-conditioning systems.
Chilled water is produced at one base (centralized) location and is distributed to multiple
air-handling units (AHU’s) containing cooling coils placed at different locations. All the
components of the air-conditioning system form a network.
Capacity control in chilled water systems is usually achieved through modulating the
chilled water flow through the cooling coils. This allows multiple coils to be served from a
single chiller without compromising control on any individual unit.
Factors favoring Central chilled water systems:
Central chilled water system allows major equipment components to be isolated
in mechanical room.
Grouping and isolating key operating components in mechanical room allows
maintenance to occur with limited disruption to building functions.
Since mechanical room is isolated from the master building served, the noise is
reduced and aesthetic impact is minimal.
Multiple units applied with chilled water system offer greater redundancy and
flexibility as either of the compressors (main & standby) can act as standby to any
of the air-handling units (main & standby). In the DX system one compressor is
associated with one air-handling unit cooling coil, hence the flexibility &
redundancy of operation is limited.
Chilled water systems are the engineered systems that are generally supplied as
the custom built units and are tailor made to suit the design requirements i.e. air
delivery and refrigeration capacity.
Central systems provide opportunity for economies of scale and results in low
capital and operating costs.
Larger capacity refrigeration equipment is more energy efficient than the small
capacity equipment.
Central systems are amenable to centralized energy management systems that if
properly managed can reduce building energy consumption besides providing
effective indoor temperature and humidity control.
From climate control perspective, the active smoke control and building
pressurization is best accompanied by the central HVAC system.
Concerns about central system:
As a non-distributed system, failure of any key equipment component (such as
pump or chiller) may affect an entire building. Standby equipment needs to be
perceived during design.
As system size and sophistication increase, maintenance may become more
difficult and may be available from fewer providers and specialists may be
The need to transfer conditioned air or water imposes space and volume demand
on a building. Larger duct sizes, for example may require an increase in floor-tofloor
height and consequent, building cost.
Though COP of large-scale central plant is high, the applications requiring part
load operations may consume high energy. System configuration in terms of
multiple chiller units needs to be perceived for overall economy during conceptual
Chilled water systems because of limitation of water freezing at 32 F, and
limitation of chiller to generate say up to 36 or 38 F, can not guarantee chilling
temperature and extreme low humidity for critical service applications such as
grocery stores, meat processing or chilling applications. These are good for
comfort applications.
The central system shall be considered for the applications, where multiple zones are to
be cooled, or where multiple AHU’s are required due to large, diverse, and distributed
buildings. The applications include multistoried buildings, commercial office buildings,
shopping malls, large departmental stores, distributed facilities such as school campus,
medical facilities, industrial facilities, entertainment parks etc. etc.
(Air-cooled v/s Water-cooled Condensers)
The air-conditioning installations working as the central chilled water system use an
evaporator for chilled water generation and condenser for heat rejection. The variants
available in the machine require the condenser to be either air-cooled or water-cooled.
Considering all other factors laid out above are balanced, the selection of the air-cooled
or water-cooled variant depends primarily on the availability of quality water, operation
duty/ nominal capacity, space requirements, initial first cost and the operating costs.
1. The places where water is scarce, every drop of water must be carefully used in
an economically feasible manner. The water demand in some regions is primarily
met by groundwater abstraction, desalination plants and recycled wastewater. All
water treatment is costly. As an estimate desalinated water production costs
range from 2.5 US$/ 1000 gallons to 4.4 USD/ 1000 gallons with an average cost
of 3.0 USD/ 1000 gallons. Air-cooled condenser designed for 10 F range typically
requires, 3 gpm of cooling water per ton of refrigeration. Nearly 2% of cooling
water is lost in evaporation, drift and blow down through the cooling tower.
Therefore, for a 100 TR capacity plant, the water loss works out to be 6 gpm or
8640 gallons per day. This translates to a processing cost of nearly US $9500 @
US $ 3.0 per thousand gallon. Off course the costs shall be significantly higher
with higher HVAC capacities.
2. The quality of water does matter. Ozone treatment or automatic biocide dosage
shall be required to limit the growth of Legionella bacteria associated with cooling
3. Air-cooled condensers have a lower initial cost due to lower number of
components. Unlike water cooled condensers, air cooled condensers do not
require a cooling tower, associated piping, pumps and auxiliaries. With lesser
components the associated civil costs also tend to be low.
4. The operation costs of an air-cooled condenser system are lower because of the
lower number of power driven auxiliaries and the zero water treatment costs.
However COP of air-cooled refrigeration chiller is low compared to water-cooled
machines and the operating economics reverse for unit capacity exceeding
5. The air-cooled machines are easy to install and takes lower space compared to
water-cooled machines. The space requirements for air-cooled machines
however increase significantly over water-cooled machines for nominal capacities
above 200 TR.
6. Water-cooled machines do provide better control of indoor conditions at extreme
ambient conditions. The performance of an air-cooled condenser machine
reduces significantly at higher ambient temperatures and requires considerable
over sizing to overcome the extreme high ambient temperatures. The thermal
efficiency of air-cooled condensers is lower than that of cooling towers.
7. Air-cooled condensers are restricted by distance separation and the installation
height differential between the chiller and the condensers. Typically the
condensers should not be more than ~120 ft above or below and not more than ~
240 feet away from the chiller.
Circumstances favoring Air-cooled Systems
Air cooled chillers are favored over the water cooled systems under following
Smaller system capacity requirement typically below 200 TR
Where water is scarce or quality water is not available
Where the system is not required to operate 24 hours.
Where the system is not to be located in or around noise restricted areas
Where there is adequate and accessible roof top or ground space for the system
Where sitting of cooling tower is restricted due to Legionella risk minimization
There may be statutory requirements for health and safety that may not permit
use of cooling towers in certain areas.
A high humidity climatic condition in the tropical areas where the effectiveness of
the cooling towers is significantly reduced.
Circumstances favoring Water-cooled Systems
Water-cooled chillers are generally favorable over the air-cooled systems under the
following circumstances:
Larger system capacity requirement typically above 200 TR.
Where the system is required to operate 24 hours.
Where there is limited roof top or ground space for the system equipment
Where noise minimization and aesthetics are of relative importance
The present trend leans towards the use of air-cooled condensers. Results from recent
generic studies on comparative life cycle costs of air cooled and water cooled systems
indicate that each system is considered to be more favorable than the other over a certain
range of plant capacity. As a guide, conclusions could be generalized and summarized as

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